Monday, October 1, 2012



1. Essenza

Diproduksi pertama kali tahun 1993, oleh PT.Intikeramik Alamsari Industri, Essenza telah berhasil menembus pasar Singapura, AS, juga negara-negara Asia, Eropa, Afrika, dan Timur Tengah. Bahkan telah diterima di Italia yang notabene merupakan
salah satu negara penghasil keramik terbaik dan terbesar di dunia.

2. Excelso

Salah satu yang bisa kita lihat selain produk kopi kemasan mereka adalah Excelso Cafe.
Mungkin sebagian besar orang ketika berada di cafe ini, takkan terpikir bahwa Excelso adalah brand cafe lokal.
Kebanyakan orang akan berpikir bahwa Excelso adalah sebuah cafe luar negeri (bisa jadi Amerika) yang membuka cabangnya di Indonesia.
Tapi siapa sangka sebenarnya Excelso ini adalah salah satu anak perusahaan dari Kapal Api Group, yang cukup dikenal dengan brand-nya Kopi Kapal Api.
"Beroperasi sejak 1991 di Plaza Indonesia, cafe Excelso telah menjelma menjadi salah satu ikon gaya hidup di kota-kota besar di Indonesia"
(dikutip dari majalah Swa edisi 29 April - 11 Mei 2010).

3. Buccheri

Produk-produk dari Buccheri adalah Sepatu dan Tas Kulit.
Diproduksi mulai tahun 1980 melalui PT. Vigano Cipta Perdana.
Banyak orang tak menyangka, bahwa merek besutan Ediansyah ini merupakan produk asli buatan Indonesia.
Mayoritas penikmat sepatu dan tas kulit menyangka bahwa Buccheri adalah buatan Italia.

4. Terry Palmer

Banyak yang mengira Terry Palmer merupakan brand dari luar, padahal handuk Terry Palmer tersebut diproduksi di Tangerang.
Terry Palmer merupakan brand handuk yang dimiliki oleh PT.Indah Jaya.
Handuk yang diklaim sebagai handuk paling higienis ini telah diekspor sampai ke Jepang, Australia, Amerika hingga negara-negara Eropa.

5. Broco

Brand ini merupakan milik PT.Broco Mutiara Electrical Industry, yang berdiri pada tahun 1985, dan memproduksi alat-alat dan instrumen kelistrikan.
Kini produk-produk Broco telah banyak digunakan, baik oleh bangunan komersial, tempat tinggal, maupun hotel bintang 5.

6. Casablanca

Siapa yang menyangka kalau merek Casablanca asli dari Indonesia?
Banyak orang menduga kalau merek parfum yang banyak dipakai eksekutif muda ini, berasal dari perancis.
Parfum casablanca, yang dalam iklan-iklannya banyak menampilkan model-model bule itu, ternyata diproduksi di Muara Kapuk, Jakarta.

7. The Executive

Sebelumnya bernama "Executive 99" yang lahir tahun 1974.
Lalu pada tahun 1985 berganti pemilik, dan tahun 2000 berganti nama menjadi The Executive.
Saat ini, brand The Executive bisa dijumpai di Malaysia, Singapura, dan beberapa negara Asia Tenggara lainnya.

8. Paseo

Paseo merupakan brand tisu berkualitas premium yang diproduksi PT.Pindo Deli sejak tahun 1998.
Paseo kini kini telah diekspor ke negara-negara Asia Tenggara (Singapura dan Filipina), Australia, dan Belgia.

9. Edward Forrer

Edward Forrer adalah perusahaan alas kaki dan tas asal Indonesia.
Perusahaan ini dinamakan sesuai nama pendirinya, Edward Forrer, atau lebih sering disapa Edo.
Dimulai dengan memproduksi sepatu pada tahun 1989 di Bandung, kini Edward Forrer memiliki lebih dari 50 gerai di Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia, dan Hawaii.
Edward Forrer memiliki kantor pusat di jalan Veteran No.44 Bandung, Jawa Barat.

10. Silver Queen

Silver Queen, Chunky Bar, dan Ceres, siapa yang tak kenal dengan ketiga merek coklat ini?
Tahukah anda, kalau produsennya PT.Petra Foods, menjadi salah satu pemain utama di pasar global.
Petra Foods, perusahaan milik keluarga Chuang ini, menjadi pesaing berat M&M’S, produsen coklat nomor wahid asal Amerika.
Produk-produk dari PT.Petra Foods tersebut juga telah merambah ke setidaknya 17 negara di antaranya Thailand, Jepang, Filipina, Hong Kong, Australia, dan China.

11. Sophie Martin

Sophie Martin didirikan oleh pasangan suami-istri berkebangsaan Perancis, Bruno Hasson dan Sophie Martin.
Pada tahun 1997 mereka datang ke Indonesia karena Bruno mendapat tugas di sebuah perusahaan perancis yang ada di Indonesia.
Mulanya, mereka tak berniat lama-lama tinggal di Indonesia, namun Bruno dan Sophie bukan pasangan ekspatriat biasa.
Sophie piawai merancang tas, sementara Bruno, dengan skill marketingnya yang tinggi, jeli mencium peluang bisnis untuk memasarkan keterampilan istrinya.
Dengan mempekerjakan seorang tukang jahit di loteng rumah, mereka merintis cikal bakal Sophie Martin.
Karena pernah menjadi handbag designer untuk Christian Dior selama 2 tahun, maka produk yang pertama di buat adalah tas.
Ternyata tas-tas yang dipromosikan dari mulut ke mulut tersebut, mendapat respon positif.
Pintu untuk melebarkan sayap pun terbentang lebar.
Trik Sophie Martin dengan menambahkan kata "paris" di belakang brand Sophie Martin tersebut ternyata cukup berhasil, dan mengecoh banyak konsumen.

12. L E A

Merek Jeans ini ternyata produk asli Indonesia.
Meskipun toko dan iklannya bau-bau Amerika, namun produk ini murni made in Indonesia.
Yang jual maupun yang beli tidak pernah minder terhadap merek ini.


Melihat atau mendengar merek Polytron, boleh jadi yang terbayangkan adalah produk elektronik dari luar negeri.
Padahal, sesungguhnya Polytron lahir di Tanah Air, di Kudus, Jawa Tengah (Jateng), yang kemudian menembus pasar Eropa, ASEAN, Timur Tengah, dan Australia.
Bahkan, Polytron bisa dikatakan kini tinggal satu-satunya produk nasional-tanpa prinsipal-yang masih bertahan, setelah melalui perjuangan panjang dan gelombang pasang surutnya industri elektronik nasional.
Menurut yang punya merek, Polytron merupakan gabungan dua kata, yaitu poly yang berarti banyak, dan tron diambil dari kata elektronik.
Jadi, Polytron diartikan sebagai kumpulan (banyak) elektronik.
Barang elektronik, seperti produk audio, video, kulkas, mesin pengatur suhu udara (AC), dan pompa air merek Polytron sebenarnya lahir dari tangan putra-putri Indonesia di Kudus, Jateng.
sekarang produk Polytron menguasai 15 persen pangsa pasar produk elektronik nasional.

Friday, July 20, 2012

 ITB, UI dan UGM masuk  100 Top Universitas di Asia

4 International Colleges & Universities is an international higher education search engine and directory reviewing accredited Universities and Colleges. includes 11,000 Colleges and Universities, ranked by web popularity, in 200 countries.
Top 100 Universities in Asia

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Travel Destinations – Top Ten Vacation Spots

 by: Saiful Adli

  Are you looking for top ten vacation spots? Well spend a little of your time reading this article. These are very nice place for travel destinations.

The fact is there are so many place to travel to because there so many interesting to visit in this world. Putting together top ten vacation spots is not easy because the world offers various cultures, and these cultures diverse with geographical location. However, this top ten vacation spots article is based on the reviews by travelers and travel agents and many other web reviews as well.

To start with, the Asia continent, the South East Asia to be specific. The first list in the top ten vacation spots is the Bali Island located in the Indonesia. This sunny island offers a very great beach and scenery and great for your tour package. Many newly weds enjoy their honeymoon on this Bali island. Other sunny islands that offer great vacation spots are Hawaii, Jamaica, Crete, and many others.

Next to Indonesia, there is a small country, Malaysia, being the neighbor of Indonesia. Although I would not say this is included in the top ten vacation spots in the world, this country also offers many vacation spots to travel, such beautiful islands, beaches and many historical spots. If you are interested in climbing mountain, try visit Sabah, the land with Mount Kinabalu, the 20thhighest peak in the world. It is surrounded by flora and fauna that you can enjoy viewing along the climbing.

Bhutan and Nepal being the Asian roof countries also fascinate the tourist a lot. Kathmandu, the heart of Nepal holds thousand years of great history. A sightseeing that worth to see. Travelers who like real adventure, the Everest is the place to test their limit. Very few courageous people dare to challenge the crest of Himalaya.

If you like the Arab’s ancient history, the Egyptian pyramids and Morocco are totally a must to visit. Travel agencies around the world offer a lot of tourist packages for these vacation spots to North of Africa. One of the features of African resorts that have constant attraction for the tourist is the experience in the various of cultures that blend in the crowded North-African cities.No matter how many you visit the oases and resorts, this part of Africa will always be rated in the top ten vacation spots for travel destinations because of the uniqueness, not seen in other part of the world.

Europe, another region in the top list of top ten vacation spots for travel destinations. It offers great sights for the travelers such as Rome, Venice, Paris, and the misty islands of Ireland and Scotland. This old continent always not forgotten as in the top list of top ten vacation spots for travel destinations. Not to forget the Palma de Mallorca, a city located in Balearic Islands of Spain. It also holds old history during its Roman period, Byzantine period, and Muslim period. Palma de Mallorca is one of the most exotic resorts for vacation in the European countries.

Finally, to conclude with, there are thousands of beauties in the world to be seen. This top vacation spots list the way it rated depends on how you see it. Anyone can list the top ten vacation spots when they see the beauty of the diversity of the world.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Online Business for Starters 

 by: Diana Laudenio

As a business owner, you plan to take your business into another level. You always dream of having several branches to reach more people, expansion is a bright idea but the cost may be too expensive. Now you can expand and share your service and product into a bigger market, why not take your business globally?

Having an online business allows you to reach your target audience easily, communicating is faster and there is a great possibility to catch more clients. This is a cheaper way of expanding your business, hassle free and no need to build a new office. Sounds easy but how will you start?

A business owner must know how to do internet marketing. If you are a busy person who doesn’t have time to take a short course regarding online business and internet marketing, you can simply take online coaching and training product which means you can learn in your own free time. It basically teaches how to leverage the internet marketing. It’s about making things easier and simpler, you do more and more with less and less. More profits, more income with less effort, less investment and less time. With this type of technique, a business owner can be rich in no time.

Once you have an online business, it is important that you keep in touch with your visitors and turn them into a client. Follow - ups is necessary, through emails you can tell them directly about your service, it’s advantages and why they need it. Who knows, they might be interested with what you offer or refer you to other people. Why emails? Because millions of people go online and check their emails everyday. For starters, this can be complicated, there are a lot of things that need to be done and sending emails everyday can be tiring. No worries because there are companies that help starters in managing their business.

Although some of them may be strict, not everyone can be accepted, they do this to protect their integrity. Applicants must be qualified or referred. Once accepted, they provide virtual office, complete with business tools, training and technical support. There are also business coaches who have a wide experience and vast knowledge when it comes to business. They will lead you to the road of success. This is specially designed to guide and help those who have an online business to become successful regardless of their education and background in business.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Apa hubungannya Jokowi dan Barcelona? Jawabnya tentu saja karena keduanya sama-sama jago baik dikandang maupun tandang, meski dalam bidang yang berbeda. Satu dalam hal Politik, dan satunya lagi dalam sepak Bola. Terlepas dari hal tersebut paling tidak hasil Pilkada DKI Putaran pertama telah mengisyaratkan kepada kita semua, bahwa Jakarta adalah milik Bangsa Indonesia yang didalamnya telah mewakili semua unsur budaya yang ada. Bahwa jargon-jargon yang mengusung identitas kedaerahan sudah tidak relevan lagi dijual kepada masyarakat.

Jakarta merupakan etalase bangsa Indonesia. Hal ini berarti apa yang terjadi, bagaimana kondisi dan situasi Jakarta hampir bisa dikatakan merefleksikan kondisi Indonesia. Sudah seharusnya Jakarta dipimpin oleh orang yang mempunyai visi dan misi yang bisa menjaga kebhinekaan bangsa Indonesia. 

Baca juga berita dari di link;>>

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Motivasi  dalam Mempertahankan Eksistensi Sebuah Blog

Banyak orang bertanya pada diri sendiri, mengapa blog, apa artinya? Reaksi ini terutama didasarkan pada waktu dan komitmen yang diperlukan untuk mempertahankan platform blogging. Saat ini
blogging banyak membuat uang  dan didalamnya ditemukan motivasi dari mereka. Namun sebagaian orang mengambil pendekatan lebih 'pribadi' dan mereka mendasarkan konten blog atas hanya membantu atau melayani orang! Dalam kedua kasus diatas motivasi yang kuat harus ditemukan untuk mempertahankan aliran konstan konten blog yang diperlukan untuk menarik pembaca dan membuat mereka datang kembali!
Berikut adalah lihat 5 alasan yang berbeda atau motivasi di balik mengapa banyak blog!
Membantu Orang Lain
Membuat konten blog yang menargetkan memecahkan masalah umum yang terkait dengan niche tertentu mencerminkan niat mulia. Jenis ini platform biasanya melakukannya dengan baik dalam menarik banyak pengikut dan setia dan juga bisa sangat efektif jika Anda berniat untuk membuat uang blogging. Anda harus memiliki minat yang tulus dalam  apa yang Anda tulis.

Berbagi PengalamanBerbagi pengalaman Anda sendiri  sejauh orang dapat belajar dan / atau dihibur oleh apa yang Anda bagi. Jika Anda kebetulan memiliki  sejumlah pengalaman
baik untuk berbagai  jenis platform blogging bisa menjadi relatif mudah bagi Anda untuk membaginya!
Kepuasan Pribadi
Berbagi minat atau gairah pribadi dengan orang lain  adalah  pengalaman yang menyenangkan dan memuaskan diri! Seperti memiliki banyak pengalaman untuk berbagi, jika Anda bersemangat tentang apa yang Anda alami dan rasakan berdasarkan konten blog Anda, jenis platform kemungkinan akan menjadi mudah dan bahkan menyenangkan untuk dipertahankan. Pengunjung juga akan sangat menghargai kualitas posting Anda dan membuat mereka bahkan lebih setia!
Menawarkan Insight
Wawasan dan / atau pendapat adalah cara menarik untuk melibatkan pembaca karena jika 'berbagi' dengan benar, maka akan merangsang pemikiran. Tidak ada mendapat lebih banyak orang yang terlibat kemudian aduk minat mereka dengan menawarkan perspektif mereka tidak dipertimbangkan sebelumnya. Membantu mereka untuk 'meregangkan' pemikiran mereka adalah pengalaman yang menyegarkan dan sering menyenangkan, apalagi bila berfokus pada subjek yang memegang kepentingan mereka!

Memotivasi Orang
Beberapa orang hanya 'alami' untuk menemukan yang terbaik pada orang lain dan membuat orang lain menyadari potensi mereka sendiri, apakah Anda salah satunya? Memiliki platform blogging yang 'mengambil orang up' dan membuat mereka termotivasi adalah salah satu jenis yang paling populer dari situs dewasa ini. Dalam kebanyakan kasus orang akan menemukan tidak hanya motivasi tetapi juga akan mengalami rasa harga diri membuat mereka jauh lebih baik tentang diri mereka sendiri. Pada gilirannya motivator juga mengalami perasaan yang menggembirakan karena kemampuan mereka untuk membuat orang di sekitar mereka merasa lebih percaya diri dan mampu.
Dalam kebanyakan kasus orang-orang mungkin bertanya, mengapa blog, apa tujuannya, yang mungkin tidak memiliki komitmen untuk mempertahankan platform blogging. Ini bukan titik yang negatif melainkan bahwa ia sebenarnya membutuhkan waktu dan motivasi yang kuat untuk secara konsisten membuat konten blog yang menarik
orang . Bagi mereka yang bercita-cita untuk membuat uang blogging komitmen ini harus lebih kuat! Ini hanya membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk membuat orang mengeluarkan uang maka tidak untuk mendapatkan mereka untuk membaca konten gratis yang menarik bagi mereka. Dalam kedua kasus motivasi yang kuat diperlukan untuk mempertahankan upaya yang konsisten untuk membuat konten blog. Pembahasan di atas adalah 5 dari motivasi yang paling umum dan kuat dari yang banyak blogger gunakan untuk membantu mereka mempertahankan situs mereka! Apakah ada motivasi yang cukup kuat dalam diri Anda?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Success is The Choice

How to Maximize Your Earnings with a Cashback-Advertising Program
The first factor that determines your level of earnings is the rate of earnings. Generally, you want to choose programs that pay enough to make it worthwhile to get involved. You want to be able to see yourself earn $5,000, $10,000, or even $100,000!
The second factor that determines your level of earnings is how much you start with. Because of risk, in general, it's prudent to put no more than 5-10% of your risk capital into any one program. You may want to consider how your financial situation would be affected if you lost all the money you put into a particular program. (In the case of JSS-Tripler, because it's indefinitely sustainable, you could consider risking as much as 20-30% of your risk capital.)
The third factor that determines your level of earnings is compounding. I (Frederick Mann) started with $2,000 in a particular program. I received a matching bonus, doubling it to $4,000. Then I compounded my initial earnings for a few days until my total advertising purchases reached $4,800. Then I started withdrawing earnings periodically. My plan was to continue periodic withdrawals until my original $2,000 had been recovered.
Once I'm in profit (reached a "break-even point" or achieved a "can't-lose position"), I could start compounding again. It could be 50/50 compounding, or even 80/20 -- parlaying or rolling over 80% of earnings and withdrawing 20%. The ratio would depend on my ongoing level of confidence in the program.
The fourth factor that determines your level of earnings is the percentage referral earnings paid. In a program with a 10%/5% two-tier referral system, your referral earnings can become substantial.
The fifth factor that determines your level of earnings is building your downline. If you steadily sponsor 1-3 people a day, your downline eventually gets large and can earn you many thousands.
From the table of the Top 20 JSS-Tripler Earners at the top of this page, you may be able to deduce or infer the strategies different earners are applying. You can see how much of their earnings comes from their positions, and how much from their downline.
The fifth factor that determines your level of earnings is longevity. With most high-return programs it's very important to get in early, because they are not sustainable and have a habit of disappearing with your money. In the case of JSS-Tripler, because it's indefinitely sustainable, it's less important to get in early. With JSS-Tripler, you have "longevity on your side!" (In 2005, I joined a simlar (but unsustainable) program when it had just under 59,000 members. I earned about $100,000 by the time the program failed, when it had about 300,000 members.)
For more information, Please click this link :
<a href="">
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Online Home Business: The Benefits
 by: Cynthia Minnaar

Running an online home business has many benefits. If you are considering researching home business ideas, here are a few of the positive things about starting a home business online.

- An online home business is very easy to start. Previously if you were to start a home business it would involve a lot of planning and work to get your business successfully off the ground.

Nowadays, with the internet that is no longer the case, as anyone with an internet connection can start an online home business.

Affiliate marketing is a good example of how easy it is to start an online business. You can join an affiliate program and be promoting your product online literally in a few minutes.

- The start-up costs are very low. It is not going to cost you much money at all, although costs will vary depending on the type of home business you start.

Affiliate programs are free to join and many residual income opportunities will cost you less than $100 to get started. If you choose to do other things like article writing or blog posting these will not cost you any money at all.

- You can outsource what you can’t do yourself. If you are new to working online you will not yet have mastered the internet marketing skills required to promote a business. But you don’t have to worry about that as it is easy to find people to do things for you at a reasonable price.

Fiverr is a great website where you can hire people for five dollars per project and Easy Outsource and Odesk are other websites where you can hire employees.

- You have the opportunity to earn unlimited income. Your goal no doubt is to make as much money as you can.

You know exactly what your monthly salary is when you have a job and this makes it easier to budget and plan your life, however, it does not make is easy to achieve your dreams.

With an online home business you can make as much money as you want. Once you are making money with your first website you can then increase your income by starting another one and so on. There is no limit to what you can do online.

Consider working with people to make money through joint ventures as well as earning off the efforts of others with network marketing opportunities.

- You don’t need high skill levels. To start and run a successful online home business does not mean that you need to have a college education

Whilst you will need to master some internet marketing skills to drive traffic to your site, anyone can learn these if they are prepared to spend the time working at it.

The above a just some of the many benefits of having an online home business. It is very easy and cheap to start an online business from home and with work can be very profitable.
Selling Or Buying Domain Names For Revenue
 by: Marcus Wilson

If you are looking to make money online, you are possibly aware that it seems that everyday new ways are being presented on how you can achieve this. Flipping domains, on the other hand, is a proven opportunity to make money and sometimes quickly, although not everyone is aware of the market for this. In a similar manner as owning a website means you have an asset, this is also the case when you purchase a domain. How domains can be sold for a nice return is something we will now explore.

There are countless domains that made people prosperous who were in this market at the start and there are many of these who still trade domains as a genuine business today. The dot com extension is actually the most valuable and the one word kind of domains are long gone in terms of availability as they are for the majority of the others such as dot net and dot org. If you can instruct yourself about this market, you can still make healthy profits once you realize where the demand is.

Short domain names have the potential to make you some money and those with the least characters are most likely to be priced at the uppermost level. One of the underlying factors these can be attractive to prospective buyers is they may be seen as brandable particularly in these days of web 2.0 sites that have short quirky names. Clearly, some will be more marketable than others and so you need to get a feel for what looks right. You should learn to get an instinct for what is right here and by looking into what actually sells and for what price, your understanding of what creates interest will increase.

If you look into niches as part of your internet marketing, you will recognize the next sort of domain that is dependent on specific keyword phrases. Google's keyword tool is used by many people for investigation in internet marketing and, in domaining, the exact match options are often used. The more occasions an exact keyword is searched for, the more valuable the domain could be to buy if you still can get it. The dot net and dot org extensions can be lucrative if you find that the more sought after dot com has already been registered. As you become more competent, you will get an idea as to what markets are the most profitable as this will have an effect on the price paid for domains.

A further area of escalating interest for domainers are extensions associated with particular international locations such as the UK and Germany. It is conceivable to unearth domains that you might not obtain for the main domain extensions and this could end up being profitable. If you keep an eye on the market, you will see that you are much more aware of where the value is. Sedo is one of the largest sites online for marketing domains so you need to see what goes on there and sign up for a forum like NamePros or DNForum.

Domain flipping can make you money online as long as you invest some hours gaining the wisdom you need to trade successfully.